
U.S. election got you thinking of a move to Canada? Here are places to consider!

The presidential election polls in the U.S. are getting closer. Which means that maybe those folks who vowed to move to Canada if Donald Trump wins the race should be checking their Canadian maps and real estate listings.

With that in mind, the folks at Hotels.com have prepared a list of 10 American cities with their Canadian counterparts, giving Hillary Clinton supporters something to work with and a better idea about what opportunities lie north of the border, where our Prime Minister garners headlines for building his body instead of building walls. Here are the Hotels.com suggestions on what Canadian locations are best suited to residents of big American cities.


MONTREAL – Best for New Yorkers. “There is only New York, but Montreal has the sort of flair, culture and joie de vivre that New Yorkers will immediately identify with.” In Common: Central Park and Mount Royal Park both were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. NYC and Montreal are said to be one and two in the world for most restaurants per capita.

TORONTO – Best for folks from Chicago. “Poet Carl Sandburg once called Chicago the ‘Hog Butcher for the World.’ That nickname may sound familiar to anyone who knows Toronto as ‘Hogtown.’” In Common: Both are situated on a Great Lake, with a really tall tower that dominates the skyline. Both also vast ranges of ethnic neighborhoods. And both cities love their baseball.


CALGARY – Optimal for folks from Houston. “Some people say Alberta is Canada’s version of Texas. It might be true since plenty of American oilmen and cowboys have helped shape Alberta’s history and culture.” In Common: Both cities are home to major oil companies and are proud of their rodeos. Each has an independent streak and some residents in both cities wear cowboy hats and boots as part of their everyday attire.

VANCOUVER – Ideal for San Franciscans. “These two Pacific Coast cities have enough in common that they might as well be twins who were separated at birth.” In Common: Both cities feature the pleasures of living by the sea and are known for their expensive real estate, bolstered by being tech hubs. Both have large and vibrant Chinatowns.”

WINDSOR – An easy hop over the border for Detroit residents. “Detroit is a city that has seen hard times, but is working its way back from the brink. Windsor is its cleaner, more polite Canadian cousin.” In Common: The two cities are across the Detroit River from each other so you won’t have to travel far to visit friends and family. Both are major automotive manufacturing centres.”

WINNIPEG – Great for Pittsburgh folks. “Outsiders who have never been to these cities are unaware of their charms, but residents are happy to share them with you.” In Common: Both are built at the confluence of major rivers, and residents take fierce pride in their working-class roots.”


HALIFAX – Perfect for Bostonians. “Sea trade has linked these two cities since their earliest days. Haligonians are forever grateful for the aid that Boston gave them after the devastating explosion of 1917, and send an official Christmas tree as an annual thank you.” In Common: These port cities have rich maritime histories, are known for their strong regional accents and are great places to enjoy fantastic, fresh seafood.

OTTAWA – Ideal for Washington D.C. folks. “If you’re not happy with America’s next president, but still want to be in a place where politics is part of the everyday fabric of the city, then this is the logical swap.” In Common: Both cities are their nation’s capitals and boast world-class museums. Both are situated on a river. The Peace Tower and the Washington Monument have the same shape. Well, kind of.

SASKATOON – A great spot for folks from St. Louis. “Both cities are underappreciated gems, are centrally located, and are vigorously defended by their residents.” In Common: Both are situated along major rivers, both boast plenty of green spaces and both have awesome food scenes thanks to their proximity to major agricultural areas. And, hey, they start with the same letter!

EDMONTON – A great match for people from Minneapolis. “Both cities have reputations for being very cold come winter time. But when the warm weather comes, they truly spring to life.” In Common: Both are home to mega shopping malls that are among the biggest in North America. People in both cities know how to drive and residents of both places are big hockey fans.