
Expedia Group: Canadians Searching for International Trips

Expedia Group dug into its search data and identified a few key habits among Canadian travellers this summer Here’s a brief look.

1. Dusting off passports

Canadian travellers are looking internationally for their summer trips this year with a 235% year on year increase in lodging searches in the months of August and September. In total, international travel searches account for a significant proportion of overall searches, replacing the previously preferred domestic trips during the same period last year. Search on international flights has also increased, up 70% for August and September compared to last year. This will be both a relief and an opportunity to travel advisors and tour operators looking to book Canadian travellers on overseas experiences this summer.

2. Sooner than later

If you’re wondering about fall trends, Expedia Group data shows that Canadian travellers aren’t planning ahead much at all – even less than last year. Canadian travellers tend to plan last minute compared to last year, with a 15% increase in the one-month search window for accommodations. So, if you think it’s too late to grab Canadian travellers’ attention – think again.

3. Deliver package travel

Canadians are looking for package travel more than last year, with a whopping 175% increase in searches for August and September for bundled travel products, according to Expedia Group data. Travel advisors, tour operators and Expedia partners can take advantage of this when marketing directly to travellers by leaning into this higher demand for packaged deals.