
August 2024

I was sitting in my back yard in Toronto a little more than a year ago, enjoying a fine summer’s day while I wrote a travel story. Suddenly there was a message from my sister on Facebook messenger. “Such a shame about Lahaina.” Five words that stopped me in my tracks. I hadn’t turned on the news that day and wasn’t aware of the terrible fires that had gutted most of historic Lahaina and killed more than 100 people. I quickly started reading about the devastation, my mind going continually more numb as the minutes advanced. The photos were heartbreaking. Read more


The Caribbean tourism industry has shown extraordinary resilience in the wake of Hurricane Beryl, with data revealing a rapid rebound in travel bookings. Despite the initial impact of the storm, which made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane in the Grenadines on July 1, the region has experienced a remarkable turnaround, driven particularly by visits from the U.S., the region’s largest market. Comprehensive air travel data from ForwardKeys, analyzed in collaboration with the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), reveals a short-term decline in Caribbean bookings immediately following the storm, followed by a solid recovery. Analysis of air tickets issued Read more


SAN DIEGO – Perhaps the most perfect weather in the world. Fantastic beaches. And a world-renowned zoo. Most folks conjure up those images when they think of this city perched in the far southwest corner of the U.S. But you’ll also find wonderful shopping, museums with a Canadian angle and some of America’s best craft beer. Lucky for Canadians, Porter Airlines has announced service will begin between Toronto and San Diego later this year. San Diego is a year-round route, starting Dec. 9, with four weekly flights.  Here’s a look at six great things to do and check out in Read more