
Save on Travel: Barbados is World’s Most Expensive Country: Laos is Cheapest

With the economy bouncing around like a yo-yo, travellers around the world are looking to save money wherever they can.

A website called Hello Safe looked at the cost for accommodation, food and transportation, as well as tourist activities in 131 countries across the globe and came up with the average price for a traveller in U.S. dollars. (The average does not include transportation to the country).

The most expensive country to visit? Hello Safe says it’s Barbados, with an average daily price tag of $471 USD. That was followed by Antigua and Barbuds at $443 and Saint Kitts and Nevis at $387.

Of course, there are much less pricey places to visit in the Caribbean. The Dominican Republic came in at number 47, with a daily price tag of $187 (again, all figures USD). Jamaica was listed as the 55th most expensive country to visit, with a daily price tag of $165. Way down the list at 121st (11th cheapest in the world) was Cuba, at just $50.30 per day.

Cliff diving in Negril, Jamaica. JIM BYERS PHOTO

Mexico came in at number 60, with a daily cost of $152. Other notable destinations include Canada (32nd, $216 per day), France (16th, $268), The United Kingdom (25th, $285), Ireland (44th, $193), Spain (4oth, $205), Italy (28th, $227), Australia (35th, $213) and New Zealand (52nd, $175).

The U.S. is the eighth most expensive country to visit with a daily price of $354, according to Hello Safe. But it’s such a vast country, and trying to average a price for a day in the United States can be grossly misleading. Your intrepid reporter went online today and found a La Quinta Inn in Tucson, Arizona for $150 USD on 07MAR, with breakfast included. If you spent $20 on lunch, $40 on dinner and $20 on activities you’d be at $230, which is far below the $354 USA average. In Myrtle Beach, you could get the Beverly Beach House 0n 07MAR for $102 USD.  The variations within a country as big as the U.S., or Canada for that matter, or France or Italy or Australia, can be enormous. Still. it’s fun to check out the numbers for comparative purposes.

Eastern Europe has been much cheaper than Western Europe over the years, and the Hello Safe study shows that that trend continues. While a holiday in France might cost you $268 per day, their survey said a day in Croatia costs just $129, while 24 hours in Bulgaria sets a traveller back just $87.

The Big Buddha is a famous site on Koh Samui in Thailand.

The Big Buddha on Koh Samui in Thailand. JIM BYERS PHOTO

Southeast Asia and Africa dominate the cheapest country list. Central and South America also have great bargain. Hello Safe said a day in Laos is just $22, while Thailand runs only $100. The price of a day in India is just $50.80, while it’s $56 in Colombia, $68 in Nicaragua, $74 in Peru, and $116 in South Africa.

Based on those numbers, you could spend three weeks in Laos for the amount of money it costs for a single night in Barbados. Of course, a traveller could certainly spend a lot more in Laos than $22, and considerably less than $471 a day in Barbados. The gorgeous Maison Dalabua in Luang Prabang, Laos for 07MAR was listed at $127 USD, which is more than five times what Hello Safe said it would cost for a hotel, meals, local transportation and tourist activities in Laos.

Still, the study helps point out places where travellers can potentially save a great deal of money.

Dubai. ZQ Lee/Unsplash Photo


  1. Barbados, $471
  2. Antigua and Barbuda, $443
  3. Saint Kitts and Nevis, $387
  4. Maldives, $382
  5. Grenada, $369
  6. Switzerland, $357
  7. USA, $354
  8. Micronesia, $354
  9. Greenland, $315
  10. United Arab Emirates, $314


122. Burma, $49

123. Mali, $41

124. Georgia, $39

125. Burkina Faso, $38

126. Armenia $37

127. Mongolia, $34

128. Ghana, $31

129. Rwanda, $30

130. Kazakhsan, $27

131. Laos, $22



Slieve League is a magical spot in northwest Ireland, with the highest sea cliffs in Europe and no crowds. JIM BYERS PHOTO

Slieve League is a magical spot in northwest Ireland, with the highest sea cliffs in Europe and no crowds. JIM BYERS PHOTO

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