
Maui travel tips

New York City is the most-visited large city in the U.S. and has welcomed roughly 64.3 million travellers this year, hitting 97% of its record-setting 2019 visitation level of nearly 67 million. Time Out reports NYC saw strong domestic travel (particularly from Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Boston and Los Angeles) who mostly stayed overnight here. The U.K. remains the largest source of international travelers at 1.1 million visitors in 2024. Following that is Canada with about 1 million visitors, then in decreasing order, France, Brazil, Italy, China, Germany, Mexico, Australia and Spain. City tourism officials say they expect to surpass pre-pandemic Read more


Somehow I missed it, but I now see that the Hawaii Tourism Authority has launched a campaign to boost Maui tourism. Called Mākaukau Maui, which means “Maui is Read,” the campaign seeks to let would-be visitors know that it’s a good time to visit. “We wanted to offer a platform and a voice for them to make that invitation to folks,” T. Ilihia Gionson,  the Hawai’i Tourism Authority’s public affairs officer, said in a story in Skift magazine. “We’re almost nine months since the fire, and we continue to hear ‘We’re not sure if Maui is open,’ or ‘We’re not Read more


“Pack your patience and grace.” “Do not enter the impacted area of Lahaina Town or take photos of the area, even from afar.” “Support local businesses.” These are some of the messages continually being shared by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA), as one of the main questions being asked by visitors is how they can support the people of Maui in its recovery. This is SO critical. As readers of my blog know, I deeply love with Hawai’i and its people. And I dearly love Maui, an island I have visited 30-plus times in my life. I realize there are Read more